Embedded System Using AVR MCU (ATMEGA 2560)
ISO Certification Course on Design of Embedded System using ATMEGA2560
Course Duation:5T+35P=40hrs
Theory Concepts:
- Introduction to ATMEGA2560
- Introduction to Atmel Studio
- Features of ATMEGA2560
- Architecture, Pin Diagram
- Memory Organization
- Instruction set
- I/O Ports Configuration
- Analog To Digital Converter (ADC)
- Capture Compare PWM Module (CCP)
- UART Communications
- MSSP ( SPI and I2C)
Practical Session:
- Interfacing LED(Light Emitting Diode)
- Interfacing Switch with LED
- Interfacing 7-Segment Display
- Interfacing 7-Segment Display with Switch
- Interfacing Relay with Switch
- Interfacing LCD(16×2) in 8 bit mode and 4 bit mode
- Interfacing LCD with Switch
- Interfacing Stop Watch with LCD
- Interfacing EEPROM to Read and Write the data
- Interfacing PWM with LED
- Interfacing I2C with LCD to Display RTC
- Interfacing ADC with Sensor(Pot 10k,LM35,Proximity)
- Interfacing Stepper Motor with Forward and Reverse Rotation using L298
- Interfacing DC Motor with Forward and Reverse Rotation using L298 Driver
- Interfacing Matrix Keypad(4×4) with LCD
- Interfacing UART with both Transmit and Receive
- Interfacing GSM(SIM900A) to send a message
- Interfacing RF(Radio Frequencies 433MHZ) to Wireless Communication
Course Highlights:
- We will provide development board at free of cost
- Industrial Trainers
- Case study
- Hands-On Training
- Project Guidance
- Tutorial and necessary documents
- Compiler and Simulator student version