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Home MOTORS DRIVE TB65603A Micro Stepper Motor Driver Board

TB65603A Micro Stepper Motor Driver Board




NSK 6560 Stepper Motor drive 

•    Recommended supply voltage DC 10V-24V.
•    Toshiba TB6560A controller.
•    High speed opto-couplers.
•    Low voltage, over heating, and over current protection.
•    3A Maximum rated output current (3.5A peak).
•    Designed for 2/4 phase, 4 or 6 wire stepper motors with a maximum load current of 3A.
•    Adjustable load current protection.
•    Adjustable decay modes.
•    Excitation modes: 1/2, 1/8, 1/16 step.
•    Large passive heat-sink.
•    Dimensions: 50 x 75 x 35 mm
Example connections


The EN, CW, and CLK inputs are opto-isolated.

If you are connecting them directly to a microcontroller then we suggest grounding the EN-, CW-, and CLK- pins with your microcontroller as per the diagram above.EN (Enable input): If connected as per above diagram, grounding EN+ input will enable the motor drive outputs. Providing a logic high will disable outputs to the motor.CW (Direction input): If connected as per above diagram, grounding CW+ input will cause the motor to rotate anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise). Providing a logic high will cause the motor to rotate clockwise. The direction of rotation also depends upon the motor coil polarity.CLK (Step input): Continually pulsing the CLK+ input will cause the motor to step in one direction. Depending on the excitation mode setting (via switches SW3 & 4)  the motor will step once per 1 to 16 pulses of the CLK+ pin.

Example connections For Arduino Uno




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